Monday, 2 October 2023 Knowledge Articles

How To Check Water Levels In A Poly Water Tank

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It's Important To Know How Much Water Is In Your Tank   

Knowing the water level in your poly water tank is extremely important for several reasons: 

  1. Alerts you to potential water shortages: When the water level in your storage tank is too low, you have insufficient supply. This can have severe consequences in certain situations; for example, if you plan to use the stored water for firefighting purposes or require tanks to supply water for livestock or crop irrigation in drought-prone regions. Monitoring your tank's water level allows you to refill it before it runs dry, which is critical when the ongoing water supply is unreliable or limited. 
  2. Promotes sustainability: A water level indicator in your storage tank will promote sustainability by helping you conserve your stored water resource. Knowing how much water you have in your tank, particularly in areas where frequent tops ups are expensive or impractical, allows you to optimise your water use and reduce waste; this can help conserve water resources and reduce the environmental impact of human activities.  
  3. Identifies leaks in the pipe network: Modern poly tanks are manufactured to a very high standard. It's improbable they will leak, especially those featuring one-piece construction and extra wall thickness. On the other hand, the pipe network that transfers water into or out of a tank might be more susceptible to leaking, especially around fittings and connections. Identifying a steady drop in your tank's water level could alert you to leaks; these are wasteful and, when water is required in critical situations like firefighting or stock welfare, potentially dangerous.  

While it's important to measure water levels, it's not very difficult to do so. For example, the Promax tank level indicator is the epitome of simplicity; think of a ball at each end of a pole. The ball on one end of the pole floats on the water's surface in the tank, and the other protrudes from the top of the tank. As the water level subsides, the pole drops further into the tank. As the water rises, so does the pole. This type of device features a sizeable and highly visible ball on the top of the pole, making it easy to see from a distance – this is especially beneficial in rural settings. Still, a floating tank level indicator is a valuable and low-cost guide in all situations and does not require power or Wi-Fi coverage.  

Digital level gauges give you highly accurate readings with the advantage that you can check water levels from absolutely anywhere; this is particularly helpful if you have a network of tanks scattered over your property. In areas with reliable coverage, digital gauges are a precise and visually unobtrusive way to monitor how much water there is in your tank (or tanks). 

No matter how you measure water levels, it's vital that you do it. By taking the guesswork out of the equation, you can manage your stored water resources more efficiently and take steps to top up when needed. Having enough water is essential in certain situations – think water for stock, irrigation or firefighting. Accurate and ongoing measurements will help you conserve that precious resource, so you have adequate supplies on hand when you need it the most.  


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